Monday, April 17, 2017

A new study uncovered this terrifying fact about the way we drive


April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month. It doesn't come a moment too soon: A troubling new study has found that a terrifyingly high amount of drivers still use their phones behind the wheel.

Despite the proliferation of apps and devices aimed at preventing phone usage while driving, the study—by driver analytics company, Zendrive—revealed that drivers in America use their mobile devices during 88 out of 100 car trips.

That's A LOT.

In what Zendrive calls the largest behavior study on distracted driving, the company analyzed three million anonymous drivers for three months, reviewing 570 million car trips taken between Dec. 2016 and Feb. 2017, covering 5.6 billion miles. Read more...

More about Tech, Accidents, Distracted Driving, Driving, and Study

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