Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Facebook wants to embrace great journalism — try telling that to their algorithms


Facebook's in the midst of a serious campaign to convince everyone how much it cares about journalism. 

Even at F8, the company's giant developer conference taking place this week, it's saucing on the charm.

"We don't always get it right, but you have our commitment to keep trying," Dan Rose, Facebook's vice president of partnerships, said at Tuesday's event.

Facebook: we like publishers. See, we like publishers!

— Alex Kantrowitz (@Kantrowitz) April 18, 2017

Too bad someone didn't tell Facebook's algorithms. 

Over the last few weeks, numerous media publications have seen a distinct drop-off in the reach of links published to Facebook—meaning far fewer people are seeing stories in their Newsfeeds from certain outlets.  Read more...

More about Business, Digital Media, Journalism, Media, and News Feed

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