Thursday, April 13, 2017

Furless Tickle Me Elmo sent from the fiery depths of hell is here to give you nightmares


Content warning: Traumatic renderings of beloved children's TV characters ahead. 

Hope you guys like not sleeping, because a furless version of beloved kid's toy, Tickle Me Elmo, is here to plague your mind meat with its uncanny, skinned-alive-but-still-giggling freakiness. Please, nobody show the real life Elmo, he's only 3.

The abject image of a laughing, skeletal creature comes courtesy of the Ontario-based Science and Technology Museum on Twitter. Thanks a lot, Canada!

"Ever wondered what #TickleMeElmo looks like without fur?" they maniacally asked the internet. The answer, of course, was a resounding "Hell nope" and "Why would you even suggest that?!"  Read more...

More about Twitter Reactions, Furless, Tickle Me Elmo, Elmo, and Watercooler

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