Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Justin Trudeau finally got something wrong, and it took a climate activist to call him out


Justin Trudeau, the handsome, worldly prime minister of Canada seems to do no wrong, but when it comes to climate change, he's a complicated figure.

The prime minister boldly declared that "Canada is back" at the negotiating table for U.N. climate talks during a speech at the Paris negotiations in 2016, garnering a standing ovation. 

But a well-known climate activist wants the world to see through the double-speak. Never one to shy away from a fight, activist and journalist Bill McKibben took aim at the internet's favorite world leader, and onetime boxer, in an op-ed on Monday in The Guardian. Read more...

More about 350.Org, Bill Mckibben, Donald Trump, Justin Trudeau, and Global Warming

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