Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Luke's shocking line in 'The Last Jedi' trailer may mean something else


"I only know one truth: it's time for the Jedi to end." 

That mic drop of a Luke Skywalker line from the Last Jedi teaser trailer reverberated around the world Friday, with most fans assuming it meant Luke wanted to destroy the Force-filled order to which he had devoted his life. 

But in France, at least, Star Wars fans heard something different. 

As pointed out by the website Le Point Pop, the dubbed trailer ends with the line "le temps est venu pour les Jedi d'en finir," which translates to "the time has come for the Jedi to put an end to it."  Read more...

More about France, The Last Jedi, Star Wars The Last Jedi, Star Wars, and Entertainment

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