Monday, April 17, 2017

Salt Bae voted, and it definitely deserves a new Photoshop Battle


Salt Bae just won't quit being Salt Bae.

We first met Turkish chef and meat-salting wizard Nusret Gökçe when he uploaded a video of himself simply slicing a steak and flashily sprinkling salt upon the meat.

We thought that was the end of Salt Bae as we knew him. We thought he'd be a flash-in-the-pan meme; a fire that would burn out as quickly as the one he uses to cook his now famous steak. 

But no. Salt Bae is still doing his thing and not letting go of his 15 minutes. He has since moved on from meat to politics and has added his signature style to casting his vote in the Turkish referendum yesterday. Read more...

More about Reddit, Photoshop Battles, Salt Bae, Watercooler, and Watercooler

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