Thursday, April 13, 2017

The important way GLAAD empowers LGBTQ people cruelly outed in front of millions


Those who watched the moment Survivor contestant Zeke Smith was outed as a transgender man on national television this week won't soon forget his expression.

As his tribe mates reacted with vocal outrage when contestant Jeff Varner outed him, Smith stayed perfectly still with wide, anxiously shifting eyes. He finally broke, scrunching his face in visible anguish, when Varner called Smith's decision not to disclose his gender history a "deception."

"I remember walking into Tribal Council that night," Smith wrote in an op-ed published in The Hollywood Reporter, immediately after the episode aired Wednesday. "I remember the smell of the kerosene in our torches. I remember the smug smirk on his face and the gleam in his eye when he turned to me and snarled, 'Why haven't you told anyone that you're transgender?'" Read more...

More about Media, Social Good, Lgbtq, Survivor, and Transgender

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