Thursday, June 8, 2017

Completely True Animal Facts That'll Make You Say, "That Seems Fake But OK"

Alpaca’s can die from loneliness?!?

A tiger not only has striped fur, but striped skin and no two tigers have the same pattern.

A tiger not only has striped fur, but striped skin and no two tigers have the same pattern.

The Island Def Jam Music Group

Red squirrels make mushroom jerky.

Red squirrels make mushroom jerky.

They will hang mushrooms off tree branches for the winter and then eat the dried mushroom jerky.

Dgwildlife / Getty Images

Baby shark embryos eat each other in the womb, usually until there are just two remaining.

Baby shark embryos eat each other in the womb, usually until there are just two remaining.

The Island Def Jam Music Group

Killer Whales are actually dolphins.

Killer Whales are actually dolphins.

GTFO. But they are.

Warner Bros. Family Entertainment

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