Friday, August 11, 2017

You Can Learn How To Take The Perfect Selfie By Looking At Reptiles

Actual proof that reptiles are more photogenic than you are.

1. Tilt Your Head at an Angle

1. Tilt Your Head at an Angle

YASSS. This highlights your cheekbones. Now slightly raise your eyebrows to make your eyes appear larger than they actually are.

Itchysan / Getty Images

2. Smile Like Your MEAN IT

2. Smile Like Your MEAN IT

Think of something that truly makes you smile, which will create the look of a genuine happiness that will shine through in your photo. (In this case she is thinking about crustaceans) Whatever works for you girl!

Itchysan / Getty Images

3. Say "PRUNE"

3. Say "PRUNE"

This is a secret weapon that will achieve perfectly pouty lips. (You can also say "moon", "dune", "raccoon" etc.)

Itchysan / Getty Images

4. Find Your Signature Pose

4. Find Your Signature Pose

Work. When you feel great, YOU LOOK GREAT.

Itchysan / Getty Images

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