Monday, November 6, 2017

18 Animal Adoption Stories That'll Warm Your Cold, Dead Heart

“We were told that if we hadn’t adopted her when we did, she probably would not have made it because they wouldn’t have caught the symptoms.”

"Sasha was one of the last few dogs left unadopted. When I asked if there was a reason why, the shelter staff said it’s because she is a Pit bull mix."

"Sasha was one of the last few dogs left unadopted. When I asked if there was a reason why, the shelter staff said it’s because she is a Pit bull mix."

"We adopted Sasha earlier this year. While looking at dogs, we came across her picture on a shelter site. She was one of the last few dogs left unadopted. When I asked if there was a reason why, the shelter staff said it’s because she is Pit bull mix. We fell in love with her as soon as we met her. She is the sweetest dog and just loves to cuddle and give kisses. She didn’t take long to make herself right at home and become part of the family." —sjm0892

"She was malnourished and feral. Now, she’s the most cuddly cat and has the most beautiful fur. Watching her transformation has been amazing."

"She was malnourished and feral. Now, she’s the most cuddly cat and has the most beautiful fur. Watching her transformation has been amazing."

"My partner and I adopted Winona in January from a shelter in Colorado. She was rescued from a Native American reservation in Utah because she had an infection in her mouth and couldn’t eat. They pulled most of her teeth, so she has about four left. She was malnourished and feral. Now, she’s the most cuddly cat and has the most beautiful fur. Watching her transformation has been amazing. Photo on the left is January 2017, photo on the right is September 2017." —joannaruggiero

"We were told that if we hadn't adopted her when we did, she probably would not have made it because they wouldn't have caught the symptoms."

"We were told that if we hadn't adopted her when we did, she probably would not have made it because they wouldn't have caught the symptoms."

"We rescued Ellie when she was nine weeks old. I hadn't had a dog in over seven years, so adopting her really meant a lot to me. After not even having her for 12 hours, I noticed quickly that something was wrong. It turns out she had parvo. We were told that if we hadn't adopted her when we did, she probably would not have made it because they wouldn't have caught the symptoms as early as I did. We were terrified and destroyed because parvo is deadly, and we thought she wouldn't make it. I'm extremely grateful to be able to say that she is now 17 weeks old, parvo free, 10 pounds heavier, and the only thing we have to worry about is giving her a bath after she insists on getting all dirty at the dog park."

"My brother found this 1-year-old lab mix on the streets of Miami."

"My brother found this 1-year-old lab mix on the streets of Miami."

"In August, while home from college, my brother found this 1-year-old lab mix on the streets of Miami. He called my mom to ask about keeping him, but she told him no because she didn't have time for a puppy. After a few hours of crying through Walmart about it, she felt bad and called him back and told him to bring him home (making dog number three for our house). She now frequently says that Cooper is the love of her life and they sleep like this every night."

"I went to a party at a friends house, and she told me she had found a kitten. The minute I saw this kitten, I cried."

"I went to a party at a friends house, and she told me she had found a kitten. The minute I saw this kitten, I cried."

"I went to a party at a friend's house, and she told me she had found a kitten. The minute I saw this kitten, I cried. She is the tiniest little thing. I texted my parents and after two hours and three phone calls, I was allowed to adopt her. She is the cutest thing and she has made me fall in love with cats. As I write this, she's currently clawing at my pants and I will gladly let her destroy every pair I own because I love her so much. Adopting Ally was one of the best things that happened to me this year! "

"She had all sorts of cancer, infections, teeth issues, and was severely overweight. She bounced around from foster to foster for two years before coming to us."

"She had all sorts of cancer, infections, teeth issues, and was severely overweight. She bounced around from foster to foster for two years before coming to us."

"My very first bunny died after nine and a half years from cancer back in March. I didn't think I'd ever be ready to have another bunny, but I realized I needed the emotional support of a pet. We decided to take in a foster in June. The first few weeks were rough. This bunny was kept in a 2×2 cage for the first two years of her life. She had all sorts of cancer, infections, teeth issues, and was severely overweight. She bounced around from foster to foster for two years before coming to us. As she got healthier, her sassy, curious, playful personality came out. Sadie rescued me as much as I rescued her, and I just couldn't let her go. I could not be more proud to be her forever mommy." —beccaj40c297c9b

"We got her from the Humane Society of Utah, where she was transferred from a shelter in California where she would have been euthanized."

"We got her from the Humane Society of Utah, where she was transferred from a shelter in California where she would have been euthanized."

"This is Muffin's ride home on my husband's lap. We got her from the Humane Society of Utah, where she was transferred from a shelter in California where she would have been euthanized. In the seven months we've had her, she has overcome her fear of stairs, squeaky toys, and the dishwasher. She has learned how to interact with other dogs confidently, how to play, and how to follow commands. She's much more confident and happy than she was when we first got her, and we are so happy she's a part of our lives forever. Muffin loves us and we love her." —mollyisnotclever

"The day before the fosters were set to go back to the shelter to get fixed and go up for adoption, my husband decided we also needed to keep Jimmy."

"The day before the fosters were set to go back to the shelter to get fixed and go up for adoption, my husband decided we also needed to keep Jimmy."

"I signed up this Spring to foster kittens. At the beginning of June I got a phone call that our fosters were ready. Although I wanted to keep all five kittens, we settled on two, Mort and Ollie. The day before they were set to go back to the shelter to get fixed and go up for adoption, my husband decided we also needed to keep Jimmy. There was no argument from me! We officially adopted them at the beginning of August and love having them in our home!" —stacyb4feee17e9

"A pregnant, stray cat showed up at our door begging to come in one day."

"A pregnant, stray cat showed up at our door begging to come in one day."

"A pregnant, stray cat showed up at our door begging to come in one day. After we were unable to find an owner, my mom took her in and raised the four kittens. We skipped the shelter completely and my sister, my husband, myself, and my mom adopted all of the kittens (including mama cat, Frankie). We have many foxes in our area so I’m grateful Frankie showed up at our door! —robynp4d3ccb4d1

"When I first met him, he began tugging at my shoelaces and eventually curled up in my lap and went to sleep. I fell in love and adopted him that day."

"When I first met him, he began tugging at my shoelaces and eventually curled up in my lap and went to sleep. I fell in love and adopted him that day."

"Adopted this guy from a pound/rescue. He was bought by someone from a breeder and because they didn't realize how much work a husky can be, they left him tied up at the rescue one night. He's a troublemaker, but he's also a sweet boy. When I first met him, he began tugging at my shoelaces and eventually curled up in my lap and went to sleep. I fell in love and adopted him that day." —petergriffin4415

"Callie had been used as a bait dog, then left to die behind a dumpster. After a year in medical foster, she was ready to get a forever home."

"Callie had been used as a bait dog, then left to die behind a dumpster. After a year in medical foster, she was ready to get a forever home."

"I'd been working on convincing my mom to rescue a pit bull for about six months. She kept saying she knew it was irrational, but that she just couldn't trust them. But then she saw Callie on the local shelter's Facebook page. Callie had been used as a bait dog, then left to die behind a dumpster. After a year in medical foster, she was ready to get a forever home. When we first saw a picture of her, the gash on her neck was so bad we thought she'd been hanged. We officially adopted Callie on Christmas Day, giving her a forever home." —waltzingwithzizi

"We adopted him that day. He makes my husband so happy. He exercises with him to build back his muscle and calls Sammy his sidekick."

"We adopted him that day. He makes my husband so happy. He exercises with him to build back his muscle and calls Sammy his sidekick."

"My husband got diagnosed with Addison’s disease this summer, so I’ve been spending the past few months making sure he is a stress-free as possible. He really wanted a dog that he got to pick out. For weeks he would go walk dogs at the Humane Society so that he could find his perfect dog. He came home one day showing me pictures of a dog he really liked. He continued to show me these pictures for an entire week. I went with him to the humane society to visit, and Sammy was the first and only one we walked. We adopted him that day. He makes my husband so happy. He exercises with him to build back his muscle and calls Sammy his sidekick. Hence why his full name is Samewise Gamgee. —lindseyn48c669350

"When I walked in and saw this guy, I fell in love."

"When I walked in and saw this guy, I fell in love."

"I went to the adoption fair in February to just ask questions. But when I walked in and saw this guy, I fell in love. He went home with me three weeks later! He's a cuddlebug, parkour crazy cat! And he turns one in December." —beckyn7

"He was taken from a place where they were fighting dogs, and he has scars all over his body from it. Now he's in a loving home."

"He was taken from a place where they were fighting dogs, and he has scars all over his body from it. Now he's in a loving home."

"This is Kylo. I adopted him in January of this year. He's a 2-year-old Boxer/German Shepard mix. When I met him, he was the sweetest dog! His story is really sad. He was taken from a place where they were fighting dogs, and he has scars all over his body from it. Now he's in a loving home, and I would do anything to protect him from ever being hurt again. ❤" —m40db38706

"Went to a local dog rescue adoption event for another dog and in the midst of all of the chaos, there he was, just chilling out and I thought, ‘there’s my dog.'"

"Went to a local dog rescue adoption event for another dog and in the midst of all of the chaos, there he was, just chilling out and I thought, ‘there’s my dog.'"

"I have a lot of health problems and over the summer I lost feeling in my legs. We decided to get a dog to be my companion. Went to a local dog rescue adoption event for another dog and in the midst of all of the chaos, there he was, just chilling out and I thought, ‘there’s my dog.' His name is Dobby, and he’s a coconut retriever exported here from the Virgin Islands. He missed hurricane season because of the rescue, and I couldn’t be more glad." —nothetypicalgirl

"Stevie came back to the shelter addicted to Xanax and underweight. He spent a year and half at the shelter before they asked us to foster him. After knowing about his bad luck in life, we decided that he deserved to be with us forever."

"Stevie came back to the shelter addicted to Xanax and underweight. He spent a year and half at the shelter before they asked us to foster him. After knowing about his bad luck in life, we decided that he deserved to be with us forever."

"We had previously fostered 11 other Pit bulls but number 12 was special. Stevie was originally rescued from dog fighting in 2008 and was skin and bones and wounds. He was adopted out to a vet, but it was later discovered they were animal hoarding. Stevie came back to the shelter addicted to Xanax and underweight. He spent a year and half at the shelter before they asked us to foster him. He fit in better than we could have imagined with our other dogs. After knowing about his bad luck in life, we decided that he deserved to be with us forever. Not everyone adopts a 9-year-old dog with anxiety and IBS, but Stevie is worth it! (P.S. Stevie is the blue one in the middle." —jenny0987

"All of his teeth were broken, he was 15 pounds underweight, had heart worms, his nails were severely torn, and he had no idea how to function inside a home. Now Morty is a spoiled baby who loves his little brother and sister."

"All of his teeth were broken, he was 15 pounds underweight, had heart worms, his nails were severely torn, and he had no idea how to function inside a home. Now Morty is a spoiled baby who loves his little brother and sister."

"My husband adopted this guy from the Charleston Animal Society six months ago. Morty had been picked up by animal control two times in the past year. The first time, his owner reclaimed him. The second time, no one showed up for him. Our vet thinks he was abused, neglected, and caged for most of his life. All of his teeth were broken, he was 15 pounds underweight, had heart worms, his nails were severely torn, and he had no idea how to function inside a home. Now Morty is a spoiled baby who loves his little brother and sister. It’s been a long 6 months of training and patience, but this boy is totally worth it." —jennyo47ebb5a40

"After losing her front leg because of abuse, Merida came to live with us. She's 100% sure the dog she's laying on is her personal mattress."

"After losing her front leg because of abuse, Merida came to live with us. She's 100% sure the dog she's laying on is her personal mattress."

"This gorgeous little lady came to live with us back in February after losing her front right leg because of abuse. She was skittish and did not want to socialize, but these days she lives a life on couches with plenty of cuddles from both furry and human friends. Her name is Merida. Once she opened up, she proved to be a playful and jolly creature with a strong desire to cause adorable mischief. She's 100% sure the dog she's laying on is her personal mattress. His name is Theo, and he doesn't mind one bit." —burkssm

Note: Some submissions have been edited for length/clarity.

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